Purity Testing

In the aloe vera industry, the issue of adulteration and product authenticity has become a primary concern. Adulteration is the addition and use of cheap filler substances, such as maltodextrin, within aloe vera products presented as “pure” to turn a profit at the expense of the consumer. Terry Laboratories recognizes the importance of addressing these issues directly and provides transparent information regarding aloe vera products to our customers.

As part of our commitment to customer education, Terry Laboratories employs a full team of scientists, chemists, and other industry professionals to offer free testing services. Customers can send us blind samples of any aloe vera product from our competitors, and within 10 days, we provide them with a comprehensive analytical report. 

To facilitate this, Terry Laboratories utilizes several major tests: 

Boehringer Manheim Starch Test

The minimum percentage of aloe required in products is set by the International Aloe Science Council (IASC), and our Boehringer Manheim Starch Test can verify whether a product meets these standards, determining the exact percentage of maltodextrin within the sample, providing much-needed transparency to our customers. 

Dry Down and Refractormeter Tests

These tests work in tandem to determine the level of “solids” within the product sample, which are not all necessarily from aloe itself. The Dry Down test removes liquid from the sample, leaving solid specimens behind. The refractometer measures the content of solids within a concentrate, such as a powder. We can separate chemicals and compounds that aren’t naturally occurring using these two methods.

HPLC Testing

The High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) test measures the malic acid content, a naturally occurring compound in aloe vera, and separates it from fumaric and lactic acid content, compounds formed by the rapid breakdown of malic acid. This provides insight into the quality of the processing the sample underwent and, by extension, how beneficial it is to the consumer. 

Putting Product Quality to the Test

Fill out the form below to learn how to ship a sample for testing.


Purity Testing Q&A

Q: Is the testing truly free of charge? 
A: Yes! We go the extra mile by covering the shipping costs.

Q: Do you only test samples originating from competitors? 
A: No, we test all aloe vera products, irrespective of their source.

Q: What are the essential takeaways from our testing service? 
A: Customers should consider the purity and quality of the product. Factors such as molecular weight and total polysaccharides are crucial in determining the product’s overall quality and health benefits.

Q: What is required before submitting a sample? 
A: The sample in question should be at least 100 grams in weight. This ensures we have enough product to conduct the tests properly. 

For more information regarding our testing services, contact Terry Laboratories at Info@terrylabs.com, or call 800-FOR-ALOE.